
Did you come here thinking it was a site all about pie? Yeah, sorry about that. Although I am obsessed with pie and will have some posts about it from time to time, this is not a pie-centric site. My name is Katie Pyzyk. This is my blog.

I'm bigger than I thought

Here’s the deal:

My husband travels a lot for work and from time to time I have been able to join him on some fab trips. In our free time, we search out travel deals and jet around the world.

I had always wanted to travel more with the hubby but that wasn’t in the cards. Until now. A particularly heinous boss made me realize my time in a cube farm must end. It was time to find my happy. So I quit. And then I did a happy dance. And then I started this blog.

Slices of Py chronicles my adventures near and far — for destinations I go to as a freelance writer and just for fun — and it offers tips and thoughts related (sometimes loosely) to travel. I’ll do my best to provide you with entertaining (sometimes irreverent) stories. A lot of those (sometimes nonsensical) stories will involve meat and alcoholic beverages, because I ingest a lot of those things.

I love jaunting from place to place while taking in the local culture, stuffing my face with delish nibbles and riding statues. I must ride the statues.

Santa Monica dolphinnashville boots

philadelphiaqueens new york duckdenvver cow statue

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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