Summer Sipper: West African Ginger Drink

Mmmm, hello my lovely. Why don’t you linger upon my lips? No, not you, dear reader. This isn’t that kind of post. I’m talking about this delectable ginger drink that I cannot get enough of. A fantastic aspect of living in the Washington DC area is all of the cultural events at your disposal. That’s…

Getting "screeched in" in Newfoundland

Fun Friday: Kissing a Cod

I went to Canada and kissed a cod. No, that’s not a weird analogy, I actually put my lips on a scaly fish and gave it a smooch. I was in St. John’s for a work conference and the locals explained that this is how visitors become honorary Newfoundlanders. So of course I didn’t ask questions…

Philadelphia waterfront

Philly’s Fabulous Waterfronts

Water. It’s such an essential part of life we often take it for granted and forget its preciousness. It is life-giving, cleansing and aesthetically pleasing. Many cities have waterfronts so painfully neglected it makes me cringe, so I was happy to see Philadelphia embracing its liquid commodity. Here’s a sad admission of me being a…

A Costa Rican Hill of (Coffee) Beans

Costa Rica, the land of abundant flora, fauna and OhMyGoshCoffeeIsTheBestMorePlease. OK, perhaps I had a little too much coffee while visiting the Central American country, based on that caffeine-filled brain spew. Nah, that’s not possible! The best parts about coffee in Costa Rica other than the fact that it’s delicious, is that it’s everywhere and…