Art Around Town

I love it when cities invest time and energy into sprinkling art into communities. A lot of people pass by without noticing it, but it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. Vancouver has an incredible amount of public art scattered throughout the city.

This random mushroom stood unassumingly in a residential neighborhood.
Mushroom sculpture in Vancouver

Somebody picked one of the nearby tulips and left it in this sculpture’s purse.
Statue with flower in Vancouver

I already posted about how much I liked Granville Island, and the art added to the charm.
Granville Island tiles

granville love

This was probably the wackiest display I saw. The “Giants” mural blends two-dimensional and three-dimensional art on six silos at the Ocean Cement manufacturing and distribution plant on Granville Island.
"Giants" mural on Granville Island

There’s a section of the island dedicated to the construction of First Nations totem poles.
Making First Nations totem poles

Making First Nations totem poles

Making First Nations totem poles

Elsewhere in the city are other sculptures highlighting First Nations heritage.
Vancouver First Nations sculpture

Also displaying heritage is the Han Dynasty bell in Chinatown. The bell — a gift from the city of Guangzhou — is a replica of one unearthed in 1983 during excavation for a hotel in Guangzhou.
Han Dynasty bell in Vancouver

Even the crosswalks are artistic in Davie Village, Vancouver’s main gay-friendly neighborhood.
Rainbow crosswalks in Davie Village

Perhaps one of my favorite art displays is the digital orca next to the convention center, highlighting both the city’s harbor-centric heritage and modern advances.
Digital orca in Vancouver

Spotting these and other examples of public art kept me smiling while walking around in Vancouver. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for cool stuff like this if you visit… or while wandering around other cities with a focus on public art.

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