Summer Sipper: West African Ginger Drink

Mmmm, hello my lovely. Why don’t you linger upon my lips? No, not you, dear reader. This isn’t that kind of post. I’m talking about this delectable ginger drink that I cannot get enough of. A fantastic aspect of living in the Washington DC area is all of the cultural events at your disposal. That’s…

Atlanta airport forest exhibit

A Walk in the Forest… Um… Atlanta’s Airport

Walking through the Atlanta airport is so relaxing. So serene. So capable of putting you in touch with nature. You probably think I’m drunk for saying that as you envision ATL: the gigantic airport and its throngs of running, yelling people scrambling to get somewhere and cursing when they get delayed. But I’m not drunk.…

beignets cafe du monde New Orleans

Savoring the Scents in New Orleans

You’re in New Orleans. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Allow yourself to succumb to the desire to greedily inhale the intoxicating aromas over and over again. Take notice of how relaxed and completely content you feel while a wide-toothed grin creeps across your face. Except if you are on Bourbon Street.…

boob sculpture Oslo

Finding the Funny in Oslo

Oslo really surprised me in a lot of ways. One of the main things I noticed was residents’ sharp wit and sense of humor, plus a desire to embrace and share funny or unique aspects of Norway’s culture with visitors. Here are a few that stuck out to me. Norway is incredibly clean and the…